Monday, May 25, 2009


Shamed I am, somedays, to be a Vice magazine reader. I find everyother issue I feel embarassed to be holding out in public. So often does American Apparel have a half naked girl on the back cover to make people think its a porno. If not that, then the Front cover is equally as tasteless, erotic, or disgusting.
(and thats only the front covers)

Don't get me wrong I love Vice. I think their writers have a great way of approaching journalism (if it can be called that). The Magazine itself is at least a refreshing culture shock of reality, that you continue reading it because it is not saturated with your average mediocre reporting, and your misuse of the truth.

I'm just sayin'.


  1. I think that's the point.

  2. never did I say it wasn't. I just get these dirty looks from the old women on the TTC. I want to be like, ITS NOT WHAT IT SEEMS! ALTHOUGH IT IS! Ha!

  3. I L-O-V-E Vice.
    I have that feeling too.
    Volume 5 number 10 is very nice, but you don't want the whole world to see the article about "a lady who is a urologist" or "a woman who made a documentary about vaginoplasty". I don't mind let them see what I'm reading, but when you flip around and you see a girl with the biggest tits, some people are actually looking at you with that face : "What the F*** is she reading".

    But Vice is Nice

  4. I am with you Isidor! Thanks for reading, check in soon!
